Tuesday, July 24, 2007

echeLE! and getting the new HQ ready.

So. It's official. Rach and I are on our way building the echeLE empire! We spent this past weekend going through piles and piles of STUFF, wiping away dust and spider webs and hauling the unwanted STUFF to the front room of the gallery (temporarily). It was interesting driving down Gallego Ave. with a huge trailer full of garage sale items (junk). Here's an example of some of the stuff we'll be hockin this Saturday:
1 Gazelle 9000
1 broken aquarium w/ stand
4 beastly computer monitors
1 box of test tubes (different sizes)
1 wobbly kitchen table
numerous unloved unwanted stuffed animals
1 Bowflex
1 dusty fax machine
1 pair of skis (there is not much skiing out here in the desert)
Rachel's old bird cage with authentic antique bird mess in it.

...and the list goes on. I can barely walk to the front door. But what a deal! We're gonna hit it rich! The profits from the sale will go to start up funds. Like bottles of wine and trips to Chinati Hot Springs.

We're both so excited to get started on our clothing/import business. And what an opportunity to have sooo much space. We'll have an office, a workshop (welding torch included among other tools), and more studio space. And the best part is the view. And the gardens. And grapes and hammocks. It's going to rock. I'll post the pictures later. I actually can't find my camera in all this crap. It's important to post the picture we took of the god-knows-how-old deviled eggs that we found when we were cleaning out the closet in the office. They were impressively nasty.
love, Johanna


Stephanie said...

How exciting! I wish you guys the best of luck. :D

echeLE said...
